
Code of practice for licensed surveyors

Northern Territory Surveyors Board Direction - Code of practice for licensed surveyors (December 2020) PDF (546.9 KB)

Standards and guidelines for GNSS surveys

It was agreed at the 23 February 2016 meeting of the Surveyors Board to endorse the below provisional documents of which will be enacted until an alternative version is adopted. It is expected that in the near future these documents will be part of a broader review of survey practice.

Cadastral surveys (provisional)

Provisional standards and guidelines for the use of GNSS on cadastral surveys PDF (374.2 KB)

Control surveys (provisional)

Provisional standards and guidelines for the use of GNSS on control surveys PDF (288.2 KB)

ICSM standard for the Australian Survey Control Network special publication 1 (SP1)

The standard for the Australian Survey Control Network - special publication 1 and associated guidelines provides the principles and practices for surveyors with respect to the maintenance of Australia’s survey control mark network:

Standard for the Australian Survey Control Network special publication.

Recognising these ICSM publications, the board recommend that for land boundary surveys they be used in conjunction with the board’s documents - standards and guidelines for the use of GNSS on cadastral, and control surveys within the Northern Territory.

Surveyors Board directions

Coordinated survey areas (CSAs)

For land boundary surveys in CSAs (such as Community of Gapuwiyak, Community of Gunbalanya, or on Milingimbi Island) please contact Survey Land Records, Survey Branch - Department of Lands, Planning and Environment for survey practice requirements.


Survey practice direction 2017

Survey practice direction 2016

Survey practice direction 2014

**These directions commence on 1 July 2014

Plan drawing standards

Licensed Surveyors Act 1983