Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory
About the Surveyors Board
The Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory of Australia is constituted under Section 8 of the Licensed Surveyors Act 1983 to regulate the practice of land boundary surveying and the registration of land boundary surveyors.
The first NT Surveyors Board was appointed in 1983 following the commencement of the Act. Prior to this time, land boundary surveys were carried out under Commonwealth legislation.
The Board consists of five members, comprising the Surveyor-General (ex officio) and four other licensed surveyors appointed by the Minister for Trade, Business and Asian Relations, 2 of whom are selected from a panel of 3 nominated by the Institution of Surveyors (NT Division).
The Board meets on a quarterly basis to carry out its statutory responsibilities and discuss relevant issues. Current agenda items cover professional training agreements and assessment examinations, additions and deletions to the register, cadastral reform and continuing professional development.
The Board is a member of the Council of Reciprocating Surveyors Boards of Australia and New Zealand whose charter is to maintain and enhance reciprocal arrangements between jurisdictions. Issues of mutual interest are cadastral reform, common cadastral survey standards and competency standards for licensed or registered surveyors.
Current registrations
As required by the Licensed Surveyors Act the Board publishes a list of all surveyors that appear in the register as of the end of March each year.
View the Register of Surveyors.